但依然,在學生護照中我們會登記的每位學員的程度,由白帶進入共有10級,第10級為最初階者,一路升級到1級為白帶最高段,過了1級便是黑帶初段。 黑代初段後便是貳段,參段...往上昇。 昇上黑帶初段僅代表你已習得養正館的所有基礎招式,等同高中畢業後才正要邁入大學精進,期勉各位學員能再接再厲,武運昌隆。
Criteria for the 10 kyu ranks vary greatly, because of the improving methods of the World Yoseikan Federation. The main purpose of the rank system in Yoseikan is to support the personal development of each student based on their physical traits, past experiences in martial arts and preferences, in addition to understanding of concepts of Yoseikan. In other words, especially for the kyu ranks, students are expected to establish their own fighting styles which they choose even if their styles are different, and the foundation of the kyu ranks aims to foster the further development of martial arts. More specifically, in tests of the 10 kyu ranks of Yoseikan, students are assessed based on:
・Attitudes/Respect to learning martial arts
・Technical abilities of your martial arts
Tests for 10 kyu ranks take place every half year, in late August and early March, although the exact test dates change depending on the year. Based the current situations of students, instructors and students have opportunities to talk about preparations for an upcoming test about 3 months prior to the test. We encourage students to analyse their current situations, personal goals and individualised ways to improve along with their instructors.
Testing fee is 1500 NTD for one time. Once they pass the rank tests, students can obtain certifications from Yoseikan Budo. Note that if you join Yoseikan, you get recommended to take the test, in order to foster your development, however, the test is not mandatory.