

    As seen on the history map, Yoseikan Budo was created by the Mochizuki family. The whole family (Minoru, his son Hiroo, and his two grandsons Mitchi and Kyoshi) dedicated their whole life to the martial arts. The Mochizukis have trained thousands of people around the world. Although Yoseikan Budo initiated in Japan, it strangely developed in Europe, when Hiroo Mochizuki decided to stay there for good and developed the discipline into what it is today: an ever evolving martial arts with both strong traditional roots and modern combative and sportive aspects.

    Godfrey Zwygart had trained in a number of martial arts before discovering Yoseikan Budo. Having trained intensely in Yoseikan with a number of coaches and with master Mochizuki, he brought back Yoseikan Budo to Asia, namely to Taiwan when he settled back in Taipei, and established the Taiwan Yoseikan in 1999. In 2011 he had to move to China for professional purposes, and passed over the dojo to his most faithful student Kevin Hsen who runs the dojo ever since.

    Along the years our students have competed in many other disciplines: Sanda, MMA, Muaythai, and BJJ. They won numerous tournaments in Taiwan, showing that Yoseikan Budo is a complete and serious form of MMA and that it can be very practical and efficient. Whether you want to indulge yourself in an internal traditional form of weapons such as Iaido, or kick asses in an octagon, Yoseikan Budo is definitely a martial art that you should consider.